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Posted 02/06/2020 in Articles for Patients

Finding an Eye Doctor When Out of Town

Finding an Eye Doctor When Out of Town

Imagine this, you are out of town having a wonderful vacation. You and your family have a great breakfast and head out for a wonderful day of fun. In the middle of your activities, you manage to get something in your eye. The pain continues to worsen and you begin to realize that you are in need of some medical attention. We have put together the following tips to help in finding an eye doctor when out of town.

Check with your insurance

Give your insurance company a call if you need help identifying in-network doctors and care facilities. Or visit your insurance company’s website and search for in-network doctors located in the city you’re visiting. Take time to search for doctors, urgent care centers, and emergency rooms. Make a list of these providers and keep this information easily accessible for you, family, and friends. Make sure you pay attention to how your insurance company prefers you access care. Keep in mind that some insurance companies may want you to visit an urgent care center before going to an emergency room.

Check out online patient reviews

Since you are out of town, it’s important that you look at online reviews for any doctor, urgent care, or emergency room you may be visiting. This will help you learn more about the friendliness of both the staff and care providers. Your insurance company may collect patient reviews and showcase them on their site. If they don’t, use sites like LocalDoc and Google business listings to learn more about the doctor, their practice, hospitals, emergency rooms, or the urgent care center.

Check with the locals

Reach out to the locals around you. Talk to the hotel concierge for recommendations on local medical care. Ask them where they go when they get hurt? Gather information on the best local hospitals, emergency rooms, or the closest urgent care. See if their recommendations match any of your in-network options.

Check out international resources

If you need medical care during international travel, consider reaching out to the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT) or the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM). Both of these organizations offer international medical directories for English-speaking doctors. Don’t forget to followup with your primary care physician when you return to your home city. They will help you create a care plan that includes a local medical support team.

Article: Finding an Eye Doctor When Out of Town - LocalDoc.com

Posted 02/06/2020 in Articles for Patients

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